One Day Seminars
2023 Distributed access to DB2 for z/OS: the state of the art in 2023
Analysing performance using stats & accounting reports
Db2 z/OS Stored Procedures: programming and operational environments
2022 Db2 Packages: Administration and Execution
DB2 enhancements revisited
Trusted contexts and Distributed Access
2021 Db2 for z/OS security in depth
Db2 12 for z/OS lessons learned
Running applications in a hybrid mix of Db2 for z/OS and Db2 LUW
2020 Db2 12 for z/OS Migration Planning Workshop (online)
La Automatización y Medición hace más fácil el trabajo del DBA (online)
2019 All you must know about Db2 and WLM and z/OS address space
Db2 12 for z/OS post-migration early user experiences
Análisis de sentencias SQL en entornos LUW
2018 The Db2 for z/OS Optimizer: Top rules
Distributed access to Db2 for z/OS: the state of the art in 2018
Análisis de sentencias SQL en entornos LUW
Diseño de aplicaciones web con IBM Db2
2017 DB2 12 New Features and Enhancements
DB2 z/OS State of the art, a system view
Tuning you DB2 LUW using administrative views and table functions
DB2 SQL/PL (Procedure Language): Desarrollo de Procedimientos
2016 Performance: Co-locating Transactional and Data Warehouse Workloads
Buffer Pool: Design and definition, best practices, perf & optimiz, Data-Sharing (GBPs),...
Big data demystified
DB2 LUW - Interpretación de Planes de Acceso
2015 DB2 for z/OS Recovery in depth
Moving and cloning DB2 data
Introduction DB2 LUW for experienced DBA's
2014 DB2 for z/OS System Topics
Analyzing performance using stats & accounting reports
DB2 LUW : DR, HA, HADR, and pureScale demystified
2013 DB2 Security in-depth
DB2 10 System tuning
DB2 for LUW state of the art
2012 Distributed access to DB2 for z/OS”
Practical DB2 for z/OS Performance Topics”